The ReflectionFunctionAbstract class

(PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PHP 7)


A parent class to ReflectionFunction, read its description for details.


ReflectionFunctionAbstract implements Reflector {
/* Eigenschaften */
public $name ;
/* Methoden */
final private __clone ( ) : void
public getClosureThis ( ) : object
public getDocComment ( ) : string
public getEndLine ( ) : int
public getExtensionName ( ) : string
public getFileName ( ) : string
public getName ( ) : string
public getNamespaceName ( ) : string
public getNumberOfParameters ( ) : int
public getParameters ( ) : array
public getShortName ( ) : string
public getStartLine ( ) : int
public getStaticVariables ( ) : array
public hasReturnType ( ) : bool
public inNamespace ( ) : bool
public isClosure ( ) : bool
public isDeprecated ( ) : bool
public isGenerator ( ) : bool
public isInternal ( ) : bool
public isUserDefined ( ) : bool
public isVariadic ( ) : bool
public returnsReference ( ) : bool
abstract public __toString ( ) : void



Name of the function. Read-only, throws ReflectionException in attempt to write.
