
Auth --  PHP based authentication systems.


PEAR::Auth provides an API for creating authentication system („Login systems“).

The login data can be stored in a number of storage containers:

(It is very easy to create customized storage containers also.)

Usage example

Our goal during this "mini tutorial" is to set up a system that secures your site with an easy to use authentication mechanism.

At the top of the site to secured, place the following code snippet:

This few lines of code instantiate the authentication system.

The first line in the above script includes the file from your PEAR directory. It contains all the necessary code to run PEAR::Auth. Next, we define a function to display the login form which the visitor of your page has to use to enter his login data. You can change all the HTML formating in this function.


You can change all the HTML formatting in the function, but you cannot change the names of the input boxes in the form. They have to be "username" and "password".

Since we want to use a database to verify the login data, we now create the variable $dsn, it contains a valid DSN string that will be used to connect to the database via PEAR::DB. For the default database table schema or to use a different storage container, please see below for more information.

After that we create the authentication object. The first parameter defines the name of the storage container. Because we want to use a database driven storage container, we pass "DB" here. The second parameter is the connection parameter for the container driver. We use the previously defined DSN string. The third parameter is the name of our function that we defined at the beginning of the script. It prints the login form.

Now our authentication object is initialized and we need to check if the user is logged in. This is done via the function getAuth(). If it returns true, we can pass the content of our page to the user.


For now one cannot use
$auth = new Auth(...);
with register_globals=on, because $auth is also the name of the session variable, that is used by PEAR::Auth.

This is a pretty nice example for the optional login feature: The last parameter $optional can be either true or false. If it is false, the login form is not shown and the user only sees the text "Everybody can see this text!". If he clicks on the link above this text, he gets the same page but with the GET parameter "login=1". Now he can enter his login information in the login form. If he successfully logs in, he can then see the text "Everybody can see this text!" and the text "One can only see this if he is logged in!".

In the following passages we cover more detailed information about the functions of PEAR::Auth.

This SQL statement creates a table usable under the default database authentication scheme using MySQL:
    username VARCHAR(50) default '' NOT NULL,
    password VARCHAR(32) default '' NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (username),
    KEY (password)

These are the table and field names necessary for working authentication. The password column must be at least 32 characters long because we store passwords encrypted using md5() and that is the length of the values returned by md5().


Auth::Auth (string storageDriver, mixed options, string loginFunction [, bool showLogin])

Constructor for the authentication system. The first parameter is the name of the storage driver that should be used. The second parameter can either be a string containing some login information or an array containing a bunch of options for the storage driver.

The third parameter is the name of user-defined function that prints the login screen. The last parameter can be either true or false and defines if the login is optional or not.

This example shows you, how you can specify alternative names for the database table and the column names. In our example, we use the table myAuth, select the username from the field myUserColumn and the password from the field myPasswordColumn. The Default values for this fields are auth, username and password.

This feature is necessary if you want to use PEAR::Auth with a database layout that is different from the one, PEAR::Auth uses by default.


Auth::start ()

Start the authentication process.


boolean Auth::getAuth ()

Check if the user has been authenticated.

If the user has already been authenticated, the function returns true. Otherwise it returns false.

For usage example, see Auth::Auth().


void setSessionname (string name)

This function can set a customized name for the session that is created during the login process. The default for this session name is "PHPSESSID". You have to use setSessionname(), if you are running two or more different applications with Auth on the same domain. If you don't use this function, a user who has once logged in at one of the applications can also use the other applications without logging in again!


void setExpire (int time [, bool add])

With this function you can set the maximum expire time that is used by auth to a new value. The first parameter $time defines the number of seconds. If the second parameter $add is true, the first parameter is added on the existing expire time. If it is false (which is also the default value), the first parameter replaces the existing time.


string getStatus ()

This function returns the current status of PEAR::Auth. The return values are constants that are defined by PEAR Auth. AUTH_IDLED means that the maximum idle time has been reached. AUTH_EXPIRED means that the maximum expire time has been reached and AUTH_WRONG_LOGIN means that the user has entered wrong login data in the login form.