The TokyoTyrantTable class

(PECL tokyo_tyrant >= 0.1.0)


Provides an API to the table databases. A table database can be create using the following command: ttserver -port 1979 /tmp/tt_table.tct. In Tokyo Tyrant the table API is a schemaless database which can store arbitrary amount of key-value pairs under a single primary key.


TokyoTyrantTable extends TokyoTyrant {
/* Methoden */
public add ( string $key , mixed $increment [, string $type ] ) : void
public genUid ( ) : int
public get ( mixed $keys ) : array
public out ( mixed $keys ) : void
public put ( string $key , array $columns ) : int
public putCat ( string $key , array $columns ) : void
public putKeep ( string $key , array $columns ) : void
public putNr ( mixed $keys [, string $value ] ) : void
public putShl ( string $key , string $value , int $width ) : void
public setIndex ( string $column , int $type ) : mixed
/* Geerbte Methoden */
public TokyoTyrant::add ( string $key , int|float $increment [, int $type = 0 ] ) : int|float
public TokyoTyrant::connect ( string $host [, int $port = TokyoTyrant::RDBDEF_PORT [, array $options ]] ) : TokyoTyrant
public TokyoTyrant::connectUri ( string $uri ) : TokyoTyrant
public TokyoTyrant::__construct ([ string $host [, int $port = TokyoTyrant::RDBDEF_PORT [, array $options ]]] )
public TokyoTyrant::copy ( string $path ) : TokyoTyrant
public TokyoTyrant::ext ( string $name , int $options , string $key , string $value ) : string
public TokyoTyrant::fwmKeys ( string $prefix , int $max_recs ) : array
public TokyoTyrant::get ( mixed $keys ) : mixed
public TokyoTyrant::num ( ) : int
public TokyoTyrant::out ( mixed $keys ) : TokyoTyrant
public TokyoTyrant::put ( mixed $keys [, string $value = NULL ] ) : TokyoTyrant
public TokyoTyrant::putCat ( mixed $keys [, string $value ] ) : TokyoTyrant
public TokyoTyrant::putKeep ( mixed $keys [, string $value ] ) : TokyoTyrant
public TokyoTyrant::putNr ( mixed $keys [, string $value = NULL ] ) : TokyoTyrant
public TokyoTyrant::putShl ( string $key , string $value , int $width ) : mixed
public TokyoTyrant::restore ( string $log_dir , int $timestamp [, bool $check_consistency = TRUE ] ) : mixed
public TokyoTyrant::setMaster ( string $host , int $port , int $timestamp [, bool $check_consistency = TRUE ] ) : mixed
public TokyoTyrant::size ( string $key ) : int
public TokyoTyrant::stat ( ) : array
public TokyoTyrant::sync ( ) : mixed
public TokyoTyrant::tune ( float $timeout [, int $options = TokyoTyrant::RDBT_RECON ] ) : TokyoTyrant
