The SplQueue class

(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7)


The SplQueue class provides the main functionalities of a queue implemented using a doubly linked list.


SplQueue extends SplDoublyLinkedList implements Iterator , ArrayAccess , Countable {
/* Methoden */
dequeue ( ) : mixed
enqueue ( mixed $value ) : void
setIteratorMode ( int $mode ) : void
/* Geerbte Methoden */
public SplDoublyLinkedList::add ( mixed $index , mixed $newval ) : void
public SplDoublyLinkedList::count ( ) : int
public SplDoublyLinkedList::isEmpty ( ) : bool
public SplDoublyLinkedList::next ( ) : void
public SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetExists ( mixed $index ) : bool
public SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetSet ( mixed $index , mixed $newval ) : void
public SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetUnset ( mixed $index ) : void
public SplDoublyLinkedList::prev ( ) : void
public SplDoublyLinkedList::push ( mixed $value ) : void
public SplDoublyLinkedList::rewind ( ) : void
public SplDoublyLinkedList::serialize ( ) : string
public SplDoublyLinkedList::setIteratorMode ( int $mode ) : void
public SplDoublyLinkedList::unserialize ( string $serialized ) : void
public SplDoublyLinkedList::unshift ( mixed $value ) : void
public SplDoublyLinkedList::valid ( ) : bool
