XXII. Soap


Dieses Paket ist EXPERIMENTELL. Das bedeutet, dass das Verhalten der Funktionen, die Namen der Funktionen, und ALLES andere, das hier dokumentiert ist, sich in zukünftigen Versionen dieses Pakets OHNE WARNUNG ändern kann. Seien Sie gewarnt und nutzen Sie das Paket auf eigenes Risiko.



short installation note:

  • To compile and install you will need libxml2 (download) Only versions 2.4.12 and 2.4.14 have been tested. php-soap "should" work with other versions of libxml2 they just haven't been tested

  • You currently need to check the soap exetension out from Anonymous CVS, using cvs co pear/PECL/soap

  • You should copy the soap directory into the PHP /ext folder (unless you only want to build it as self-contained php-module)

  • run phpize in the soap folder (for the module) or ./buildconf in php4

  • run configure with --with-soap (and your other options)

  • make; make install

  • that's it.

SoapObject -- The Soap Client Object
SoapObject::__isFault -- Query if a fault occured in the SOAP transaction
SoapObject::__getFault -- get the last SOAP transaction fault error object
SoapServer -- The Soap Server Object
SoapObject::handle -- Handle the Soap request
SoapObject::setClass -- bind a php class to the SoapServer Object
SoapObject::setPersistence -- sets the persistence of the created soap object
SoapObject::setFunction -- Adds to the functions currently available to the server
SoapObject::bind -- This function binds a SoapServer to a wsdl.
SoapVar -- Changes the Returntype of a variable
SoapFault -- This Class returned from SoapObject::__getFault, details the error