Are different packages or classes with similar features allowed?

There is no problem with competitive packages, but we want to avoid pollution with 10 template classes, 7 different mail classes, and 3 different layers for databases doing the same only with different function names.

First of all, do a reality check: Why do I want to commit a new package? Really bad answers are „To see my name in PEAR“ or „I didn't understand the API of the existing class“.

A good reason for a new class is often, that you are missing a function, behaviour or speed in an existing implementation. In this case, you should take a look at this class, if it possible to extend this class. If not, then you have a good reason to commit a new class. „If not“ means, it isn't possible to add the required functionality without changing the basics of this class.

If you write a new class, try to keep API compatibility with existing classes as far as possible! If it isn't possible to keep the class compatible himself, try to create a wrapper class to keep compatibility. Don't care, if this wrapper needs a lot of time or memory, a wrapper class only has to keep compatibility and make migration easier.

Committing a competitive class has to be announced on the PEAR developers mailinglist!